The Nourished Metabolism Challenge
Metabolism is something of a ‘buzz word’ bandied around the diet industry for years yet I’ve found most of my clients don’t really understand what it means. They may have been told to “boost their metabolism” when trying to lose weight but the huge importance of their metabolism to their overall health goes unexplained.
My new Nourished Metabolism Challenge is designed to explain everything you need to know about your metabolism and its effects on your body from stress to weight loss. At the end of the 5 week course you will have a full understanding of this vital process and how to both nurture and control it to achieve optimum health.
What is Metabolism?
Metabolism is the process by which your body converts your food intake into the energy which powers your cells and organs so that your vital functions are performed – in effect the ‘engine’ of your body. Simply put, your metabolism uses the food you eat to feed the cells of your liver, lungs and heart with the energy they need so that they continue to support you. Your metabolism is influenced by many factors such as what you eat, your stress levels, your exercise routines, even the number of hours of sleep you have each night.
What is a nourished and balanced metabolism?
A nourished and balanced metabolism means that your food intake is optimal and balanced so that energy is provided to your cells and organs without excess or shortage. Excess food intake leads to weight gain and serious health implications while a shortage means that your body makes decisions so that the more vital functions are supported at the expense of less vital ones. Again this leads to serious health implications.
What is a stressed metabolism?
Metabolic stress is a consequence of illness, suffering from injury or recovering from surgery. A stressed metabolism means that your body’s energy demands change and consequently your food intake needs to adapt so that it continues to satisfy your cells energy needs. A stressed metabolism is recognised by symptoms that indicate that your body is not in a nourished and balanced metabolic state. Typical examples are mood, hormonal and/or energy swings, skin disorders, irregular sleep patterns and digestive system irregularities.
How are weight and metabolism connected?
Your weight is affected by the difference between the energy you eat (as food) and the energy you spend. You gain weight when you eat more energy than you spend and you lose weight if you eat less. Part of the energy spent is used to maintain your vital bodily functions – breathing, blood circulation, digestion, cell repair – and this part is your metabolism.
What will you learn during my 6 week course?
In my 5 week course on nourished metabolism, I will support you as you take your journey to a nourished and balanced metabolism, reducing the influence of stress while enhancing the effect of sleep and exercise on your wellbeing. Here is what we will cover together:
- We will explore the effects of stress on your metabolism and find out ways to reduce those effects. We will also identify stress facts and expose stress myths
- We will find out how your food intake can be optimised so that your body’s cells and organs get sufficient and balanced nutrition to support you by functioning at their best. Eating recommendations and common mistakes will be covered
- We will look at your exercise routines and explain the impact they have on your metabolism
- We will look at your sleep patterns and their effect on your metabolism
- We will identify how to tweak these lifestyle habits so that they better support your healthy and balanced metabolism
The 6 week course 1-2-1 costs just £360
What will you get?
- A warm, supportive environment
- One-to-one session for 1 hour and 40 minutes at the start of the challenge to record all your stats and set your personal goals
- Wellness evaluation with all your measurements (height, weight, fat%, muscle%, water%, metabolic age, BMI, resting metabolic rate)
- Free healthy snacks in class to enjoy
- Delicious healthy recipes and diet plans
- Weekly measurements
- Individual support – I am at the end of the phone and encourage my clients to contact me for advice – day and night (within reason)
- Folder containing all the literature and hand outs
- Your before and after photos
When and where do the courses take place?
Call me now for details of the next Nourished Metabolism Course start date.
Courses are run at the Bath Nutrition and Wellness Centre, London Road, Bath BA1 6AD
To book your place and for more information please contact me on 01225 571 361 or email me