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Archive for food – Page 2

6-week course on how to stop craving sugar

6-week group course on ‘How to Stop Craving Sugar’ starting in Bath, 15th of January at 6.15pm

Sugar on wooden table

Did you know that your mind, your body and your taste buds can be hooked on sugar?

How much sugar are you putting in your diet? What is it actually doing to your body and mind?

If you are not Feeling Lean and Vibrant or as Happy as you like, or having Depression and Anxiety, Sugar may be the cause.

You are Physically and Emotionally attached to sugar. Research suggests that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. Read More→

The health benefits of the cucumber!

The health benefits of the cucumber

Cucumbers provide our bodies with essential vitamins and nutrients. Cucumbers are a bona fide tasty and healthy vegetable in their own right. Cucumbers will soon give you reason to eat them on their own!

Cucumber slices background

Types of cucumber include:

Dosakai – A cucumber that is yellow in color, has a round shape and is available in many parts of India. Commonly added in Chutney, Sambar or Soup, Daal and also in making Dosa-Aavakaaya (a type of Indian Pickle).

English cucumbers – Have very little in the way of seeds and can grow to around 2 feet in length.
Mediterranean cucumbers – Skins are smooth with nearly seedless flesh, they have a mild taste.
Japanese cucumbers – A dark green cucumber with a very bumpy skin. Mainly used for slicing, salads and pickling. Read More→

Chocolate helps you to lose weight!

Chocolate helps you to lose weight!

pieces of dark chocolate stacked on grunge background

Cocoa is great fun for everyone especially kids. I have unbelievable news for you: now you can transform your cravings for chocolate into super-nutrition with RAW chocolate. This is an incredible hope for chocaholics everywhere. Read More→

The difficulty with losing weight…

The difficulty with losing weight…


Learning techniques on “how to lose weight” is why my clients make nutrition appointments with me. By then most are frustrated with their inability to lose a few pounds.

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Let your food be your medicine

Let your food be your medicine

herbs in mortar

People are diagnosed with grave diseases in increasing numbers with many chronic illnesses approaching epidemic status. This is fueling the demand for medications in an increasingly “sick” population. So, where are we going wrong?

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Diets don’t work, but an optimal lifestyle does

Diets don’t work, but an optimal lifestyle does


Even though many believe that diets do not work, they are still willing to give them another go in the hope that this one might be the one. However studies have shown that up to 95% of those that diet regain their lost weight. Hence dieting is a temporary solution and if you diet, your body starts to store fat because it expects a period of “famine” and tries to prepare your body for the expected starvation. So, I ask my clients “do you want to lose weight for a while or lose it and never put it back on?” The answer is obvious. The permanent loss of weight means lifestyle changes that are maintained. This means hard work and I also tell my clients that you need to earn the body you dream off and it will be worth it in the end.

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