Beauty comes with these beautiful foods
Our skin is probably our most underrated organ. It comes into contact with the harsh outside world, protecting our inner organs and retaining our water. We therefor owe our skin a lot of consideration when it comes to nutrition and nourishment. There are foods that can help your skin glow and improve your complexion. Here are my recommendations:
• Tomato juice
With the onset of summer, tomato juice offers the best natural protection against harmful sun rays. Tomatoes contain lycopene which stops the ageing effects of UVA and the burning effects of UVB. A typical 200ml glass can give as much protection as an SPF5 cream so please top it up with sunscreen. I would recommend organic tomato juice to ensure that you are not injecting any harmful chemicals into your healthy bodies.
• Fermented coconut water (Kefir)
The fermentation process of coconut water enriches it with beneficial bacteria that helps supply our bodies with a concentrated injection of probiotics that is a lot higher than most yogurts. The beneficial bacteria help clear our skins of acne causing microbes as well as the ones that cause hormonal imbalances. Furthermore, Kefir is naturally sweet which satisfies our craving in the healthiest way possible. I recommend drinking Kefir first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to keep its probiotic content alive for longer.
• Papaya
This fruit is loaded with vitamin C that will last you for 2 days keeping your skin brighter and tighter. It also contains vitamin A which gently regulates cell turnover. Papaya also contains papain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme that helps decrease skin redness. I recommend adding Papaya to your daily morning shakes.
• Beets
Beets remove cell waste by stimulating our lymphatic system thereby reversing dullness. Beets ability to increase our blood’s capacity to carry oxygen helps brighten our skin and supress cellulite. I recommend drinking Beet juice or adding pieces to salads.
• Black Sesame Seeds
Black sesame seeds have a lot of skin enhancing goodness packed in them, essential fats, oleic acid, amino acids, potassium, and fibre. I would recommend you add black sesame seeds to all meals. I recommend you sprinkle them on your salads.
• Red Cabbage
Red cabbage, like blueberries; contains the wrinkle-fighting purple pigment. It has a much higher vitamin C content than green cabbage. It also contains a detoxifying nutrient which helps our body get rid of toxins. I recommend adding red cabbage to salads
• Lemon
Lemon fights breakouts and oily skin by removing toxins and old hormones. Lemon can also hydrate the skin by emulsifying fats. It can also prevent acne flare-ups by killing mouth and intestine bacteria. I recommend adding lemon to your dressings as well as adding it tea and water, hot or cold.
• Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds have zinc, vitamin E, sulfur, and omega-3 fats. They hydrate and nourish your skin. I recommend eating them raw as a healthy snack or add them to your salad or smoothie.
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